Sunday, September 04, 2005

the heart of the matter

[Yet another draft. Though it may take some time before this expands into a full-length essay. There's also the possibility that i will just leave it as a vignette. What say you?]

It's a bit of a cliche, but then that's what cliches are: ideas that are often perceived as universal truths. Or, at the very least, universal half-truths. And the half-truth is that people who traffic in the world of ideas - and that includes many of my friends - are very often guilty of relegating the physical world to second place. So once in a while it is good to remember that even the words we use to communicate our thoughts are embodied things. Voices are formed from muscles and air, printed materials from woodpulp and ink, and e-text from millions of electrons whizzing about on giant cables both underground and undersea.

All this is a reminder that we are far more vulnerable than we think we are. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak - and by extension, so is the entire physical world that the flesh is ineluctably yoked to. The undersea cables that make the internet possible are susceptible to failure due to, among other things, ships' anchors and fishing nets. Equally vulnerable are the houses we live in, the roads we travel on, the bodies that we are in. Recent events like the Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina have made it impossible to forget the primacy of the physical world, and the ease with which this world can be destroyed.

Sobering thoughts - but necessary, once in a while. Because, as a friend put it, this matter matter matters.


At September 07, 2005 11:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first comment goes to content, not the writing. What's actually wrong with relegating the physical world to second place, as long as it does have its place, and one's "responsibilities" to the physical world are met? (eg. I walk out of the house properly attired, I don't hit cars on the road)

It's alright as a vignette, but I think the subject's worth exploring in an essay. Go on.

And, I'm honoured -- I shall go down into posterity as a footnote on your blog :)

At September 07, 2005 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my.. I finally looked at your complete profile, and I am reminded of (part of) why I like you so much :)

BTW, I'm very pleased that you've started the writing blog. It's entertaining, and I think you're all the better for it. Carry it through.

- G.. but you knew that already

At September 12, 2005 1:26 AM, Blogger eothen said...

heh. thanks so much for being such a faithful reader. i really really appreciate your feedback, comments and encouragement.

:) but you knew that already


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