utopian dreams
[Draft. Outline of structure only. To be built on after i do some research. Pls feel free to comment and suggest stuff.]1551, from Mod.L. Utopia, lit. "nowhere," coined by Thomas More (and used as title of his book, 1516, about an imaginary island enjoying perfect legal, social, and political systems), from Gk. ou "not" + topos "place." Extended to "any perfect place," 1613. Utopian, as a noun meaning "visionary idealist," is first recorded c.1873.
History is littered with the scattered remnants of our yearnings for _____________ (a better where to find???)............
To reclaim our dream of Eden.
Utopias gone wrong:
the Communist experiment
Hitler's Third Reich
America?? land of the free
It's a simple human truth. People screw things up. All the time.
Yet hope springs infernal in the human breast. (apologies to alexander pope)
Conclusion? No matter the failure - we must keep trying (or we might as well just roll over and play dead....)
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